Quinny review on hold

Well things have taken a somewhat dramatic turn for Quinny in the past 24 hours - whoever is having to deal with the fall out over there deserves a weeks holiday and a VERY large box of chocolates!

Basically what has happened is that Quinny have had to put this years casters program on hold as the buggy they had chosen, the Senzz, has problems and therefore they are now going to wait a while longer and launch it with a brand new product instead - so it's not a case of "no you're no longer doing it" just a "not just yet" - fair enough. For me I think a) getting a new product to review before it has even hit the retail market not only is great exposure for my blog but b) I would rather take on a product that the manufacturers think is fantastic and put it through its paces to see how it holds up to expectation,than take on a product that has been on the market for a while and that they have already had plenty of feedback on to work out the kinks. For me product testing isn't just about writing what I think about the things I use everyday but reviews such as the type we are doing for quinny I hope will be taken on board by the manufacturers and the kinks that we find in it as parents and every day users listened to and used to improve on a design so that its a better product for everyone.

One day I will write up reviews on all the buggy's I have used so far but as a brief example the first buggy we owned was a silvercross 3d and the break system on it was rubbish if you were using it on public transport, the reason being the bus would go around a corner, gravity would take its effect on the buggy, put too much pressure on the break and the break would just come off. As a consumer I would hope that somewhere along the line Silvercross would take note of this, look at the break system and say this isn't good enough for our consumers, our consumers need to know that when they step onto a bus with our product with their baby in it that they aren't going to have to stop the buggy from escaping down the aisle every time it goes around a corner. As a consumer and public transport user I want to know NOT to purchase this buggy as it isn't suitable for my personal needs. Why is it so important to know this? because my CHILD, the most precious thing in the world to me is riding in it!

A good design means you have happy consumers that recommend your products to their friends and happy manufacturers that sell more buggy's - I remember the first thing I was told when I began working in retail at 16 was that if you have a happy customer they will tell 3 of their friends, if you have an unhappy customer they will tell 10 .... bring that up to date with Internet capabilities and these little blog sites with individual reviews can have a MASSIVE impact.

Quinny are getting a big backlash to pulling the senzz from the program right now that I personally don't think is necessary and I am actually surprised by the immature attitude some people, not even the people who were involved in the program, are taking to this. I think for many women their buggy to them is not only something they transport their child in but its an extension of the parenting experience, this picture we have had in our heads since we were little girls playing with dolly's and by offering a new toy to play with and then saying they cant have it may be more upsetting to some people than even they understand.

For now it is business as usual in our house, I am going to be continuing to try and find new products to review for my blog and to try and get that side of things off the ground as well as blogging about my boys because above and beyond everything else, I'm a mum!

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