The Beginning.....

Well I have decided to start a blog to share the new life that I now have that I am the proud mum of 2 little boys, Elliott, 2 and a half, and Sam, 5 weeks

When I was pregnant with Sam I had a pregnancy diary that I really enjoyed keeping so that has in part inspired me to start this blog. My other motivation is that I remember how nervous I was about being a mum of 2, the juggling, learning how to deal with a strong willed toddler as well as a newborn etc and my thoughts were to record my journey of how I do that as well as the things that help me a long the way.

I have been writing product reviews for a baby website for a few months now and I thought that I could include these in my blog as well as reviews for the products I have tried in my "private" life that have been of a benefit to me, I can think of a few already that arent widely used but that have been of such a benefit to me in the past 2 and a half years of being a mum.

When Elliott was born I met a group of 8 mums and we would meet up with our babies once a week and share the things we were learning along our individual parenting roads - some of the knowlege I gained during these sessions I still use to this day and not only from the successes but also from the failures. The internet now allows me to do this sharing on a larger scale.

Im not a perfect mother, who is, Im not an expert mother and I have no alliances with any particular company, group etc. I have no alteria motive behind my blog, it is what it is and if people enjoy it and read it I will be more than happy with that. Im still learning how this all works so bear with me until I roughly know what I am doing.

I should do a few introductions at this point

I'm Alice, I'm 30 and originally from Nottinghamshire. I have been married to Steve for nearly a year and a half now. I'm a full time mum but previously worked in customer services but originally trained in performing arts. This would be me.....

Then we get to the boys!! - First up we have Elliott!!

Elliott is 2 and a half - he is a VERY VERY active little boy! He is having trouble with his speech at the moment and he also suffers with a minor sleep disorder but on the whole he is a bright and happy child that takes most things in his stride. He has a great sense if humour and is very loving and affectionate.

Next we have Sam!

Sam is currently 5 weeks old and just finding his feet in the world. We are currently having a few troubles with his weight gain so he is unfortunatly being mix fed at present but we are hoping to eventually get him back to exclusive breastfeeding. Sammy already seems to be a much calmer personality than his big brother and in geneneral he is happiest when feeding and nothing much seems to bother him.

If you want my first "review" of something then it would be of the photographer that took the 2 pictures above of the children above. Saraya is based near London and not only is she exceptionally talented but you could not wish to meet a sweeter more bubbly photographer. She really was made to capture images of children and we have now had the pleasure of her photographing Elliott twice and both times have been amazed by the results! Ok this isnt much of a review but please check out her website or facebook page as her images really do speak for themselves - well worth the trip.

Ok well thats probably my first blog done. I now have a sleeping Elliott upstairs and I am balancing a sleeping Sam on my shoulder so I am going to take advantage of this and make a cup of tea and see if I can figure out how to use this blog in more detail.  ----- first thing is to change the background colour of my blog posts so that you can actually read them!!!!

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